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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/09/2012
Chichester Conservation Commission (CCC)
Minutes of Meeting February 9, 2012
Selecmen's Office

Members present:  Zack Boyajian, Gordon Jones, Dawn Marshall, Blaze Konefal, Robert Mann  

Other Present: Lindsey Jones Observing and Frank Harrison prospective member

Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.  

Review of Minutes:  January 12, 2012 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.

Mail Review:  State DOT Wetlands application for Sanders Brook Bridge Repair Main Street was forwarded to the Town and CCC.  Bob requested intervener status as previous approved due to time constraints to reply.  There was a discussion regarding changing open bottom culvert with hardened bottom.  Zack and others to visit the site.  


Conservation Funds Investment and Issues:  There is approximately $246,000 in conservation fund.  Waiting to see what happens with the Trustees of the Trust Funds work on investing prior to CCC doing similarly.  CCC is wondering about status of developments (specifically Merrill development) and Land Use Change Tax assessment.  The Town may wait up to 1 year from a project starting before assessing.  The CCC would like to show activity use of Conservation Fund, but it has been difficult to get interest from residents to protect land.

Invasive Species Control on Town Lands: Gordon went to Farm and Forest Expo.  A number of companies were present that do invasive species control.  Gordon will come up plan to control phragmites grass on Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area (MSCA).  Gordon will investigate use of his private applicators license for use of pesticides.

Land and Easement stewardship:  No work on signage since last meeting.  Blaze is frustrated with GPS unit. Frank has same unit and may be able to help.  Zack made motion to purchase no more than 10 standard “No Hunting” signs at a maximum cost of $30.00 for MSCA.  Motion unanimously approved.  There was additional discussion regarding identifying, marking and maintaining town lands boundaries.

Public education and outreach:  Zack suggested leading a walk at MSCA in early to mid April.  Dawn will update Heritage Commission and gage interest in cooperative effort.

Carpenter Park Planning: There was a discussion regarding the Forestry at Carpenter Park and whether anyone had contacted the forester and signed the contract to prepare the timber harvest.  Zack will contact Parks and Recreation to get the status.

Public Information on Easements: Bob stated there is a need to improve information about land protection and conservation easement and promote it in town to show use of conservation fund.

Plan for improved access and expanded use of Spaulding Town Forest: There was a discussion regarding establishing corner marker where they have been lost and possibly hiring a surveyor.  No good parking or access trail exists to provide public access or for forestry to Spaulding Town Forest.
Other business: None

Motion to adjourn at 9:16pm passes.


Robert Mann, Chairman